Does your company need Voice assistants bots

Does your company need a voice assistant bot? 

Voice bots are still in their infancy, but they are already beginning to significantly impact how we live and work.  More and more companies are now considering the deployment of voice assistant bots to support their customer service operations. The theory is that by automating specific interactions, companies can free up human customer service reps to handle more complex tasks and reduce customer wait times. Does your company need a voice assist bot? Voice bots provide a level of customer service and convenience that is unparalleled and unsurpassed.

There are a few factors you need to consider before making a decision. First, determine the nature of your customer interactions. Are they mainly transactional in nature, or do they involve more complex problem-solving?


The rise of voice bots 

The rise of voice bots can be traced back to the release of the Amazon Echo in 2014. This device, and others like it, popularized the idea of using voice commands to interact with a digital assistant. In the years since then, technology has continued to evolve and advance.

Voice bots are the new hotness in the tech world, and for a good reason! They’re convenient, efficient, and in many cases, they can provide a better user experience than traditional text-based bots.

There are a few different types of voice bots, but the most common are those that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to understand and respond to questions or commands. These voice bots can be used for customer service, to make appointments or bookings, or even to just chat with you about the weather.

Does your company need a voice assistant bot?  

Voice assistant bots can help your company in several ways. They can provide customer service, answer FAQs and even place orders. People use the voice assistant to schedule their day, search things on the web and even make purchases.

In fact, 20% of mobile searches are now done using voice assistants. And that number is only increasing! By 2020 50% of all searches are done via voice assistants. So, what does that mean for the business? If you want to stay ahead of the curve, implementing voice bots in your service is the way to go.

What are the benefits of using voice assistant bots?

Voice bots are computer programs that simulate human conversation, commonly used to perform tasks or answer questions. Voice bots offer a host of benefits, and with a bandwidth of technological potential like this, voice bots can

  • Offer a hands-free way to interact with your devices, which can be helpful in a variety of situations.
  • Encourage users to be more productive.
  • Helps users stay organized by keeping track of schedules, tasks, and appointments.
  • Save time by quickly retrieving information or completing tasks for you.
  • Improve customer service by being available 24/7 and efficiently handling high-volume requests.    

Voice bots are more accurate in understanding and responding to questions. Additionally, voice bots can provide a more personalized experience to each user. Another benefit of voice bots is that they help to improve customer satisfaction. This is because they can provide quick and accurate responses to customer queries.

The future of voice assistant bots 

  • A shift in interest in multimodal experiences led to increased demand in AI-assisted voice chatbots during the pandemic. Users are not just using the web but the mobile, voice, and touch interfaces too. As AI and NLP evolve, neural network architecture in voice assistants will make the bots more sensible and factual and increase the scope of their application.

    Beyond controlling devices and getting information, voice assistants are becoming a preferred endpoint for customers to shop for groceries, audiobooks, or premium experiences in games & more.

How to get started with voice assistant bots? 

Building a chatbot from scratch requires you to consider the components needed as a foundation for your voice bot. These include accurate speech recognition technology, NLP/Natural Language Understanding platform (NLU), and machine learning knowledge.

Deploying a voice bot from a cutting-edge, trusted provider can help you cover more ground to build your industry-specific trained voice bot. can help you with their tried and market-tested voice bot that caters to your specific use cases. This way, you can also reap their years of expertise and understanding of the domain to create powerful voice chatbots for your business.